Viktigste Tekniske parametere kommunikasjonsprotokoll: ISO / IEC 15693 Driftsfrekvens: 13.56MHz Felles RF chip: Jeg CODE SLI-serien, I KODE Slix-L, TI256, Ti2048(Tag-it HF-I),LRi2K,LRiS2K,EM4233, EM4035, EM4135, PicoPass 2ks / 16KS / 32kS R / W orange: opp til 1.5M R / W tids: 1~ 2ms Arbeidstemperatur: -20℃ ~ + 85 ℃ Tørk livet: > 100,000 ganger Datalagring: > 10 år Størrelse: 85.5X 54 x 0.80mm, eller tilpassede spesifikasjoner Materiale: PVC, ABS, KJÆLEDYR, PC(polykarbonat), PETG, Papir
In the field of RFID, the high frequency band has two commonly used protocols ISO14443 and ISO15693. ISO14443 is generally used for anti-counterfeit labels and membership cards. It is characterized by a close identification distance (generally within 10cm) and high security. The ISO15693 protocol is generally used for applications where a high-frequency clear magnetic field is required and the distance is relatively long. The farthest reading distance is 2 meter. The feature is that the reading distance is much farther than the ISO14443. If you increase the reader power, you can read it farther. You can read more tags, such as labels that are close to each other and even overlap.
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