RFID, madhab di dunya.

ISO 15693 Protocol RFID Chip Card, Tinggi Frékuénsi Card Long Distance Smart

HF Chip Card , , , , , ,

modél produk: H4700

Long Distance Smart Card Chip series: runtuyan I kode SLI, TI256, Ti2048(Tag-eta HF-I), LRi2K, LRiS2K, EM4233, EM4035, EM4135, PicoPass 2KS/PicoPass 16KS/PicoPass 32kS.

  • spésifikasi
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  • Karajinan Aviable

Parameter Téknis Utama
protokol komunikasi: ISO / IEC 15693
frékuénsi operasi: 13.56MHz
chip umum RF: runtuyan I kode SLI, Kuring kode SLIX-L, TI256, Ti2048(Tag-eta HF-I),LRi2K,LRiS2K,EM4233, EM4035, EM4135, PicoPass 2KS / 16KS / 32kS
Sunda / W jeruk: nepi ka 1.5M
Sunda / W waktos: 1~ 2ms
hawa gawe: -20℃ ~ + 85 ℃
ngusap hirup: > 100,000 kali
gudang data: > 10 taun
ukuran: 85.5× 54 × 0.80mm, atanapi spésifikasi custom
material: PVC, ABS, pepet, PC(Polycarbonate), PETG, keretas

In the field of RFID, the high frequency band has two commonly used protocols ISO14443 and ISO15693. ISO14443 is generally used for anti-counterfeit labels and membership cards. It is characterized by a close identification distance (generally within 10cm) and high security. The ISO15693 protocol is generally used for applications where a high-frequency clear magnetic field is required and the distance is relatively long. The farthest reading distance is 2 méter. The feature is that the reading distance is much farther than the ISO14443. If you increase the reader power, you can read it farther. You can read more tags, such as labels that are close to each other and even overlap.

Main applications
Library books management, jewelry management, Manajemén asét, casino chip management, aksés aksés, waktos hadir, open conference sign-in, jsb.


Kauntungan kalapa:
Staf anu ngalaman;
Kualitas alus teuing;
Harga pangsaéna;
Pangiriman gancang;
Kapasitas ageung sareng rupa-rupa produk;
Narima urutan leutik;
ODM sareng produk OEM numutkeun paménta konsumén.



pencitakan: Percetakan offset, Percetakan tinta Patone, Spot-warna percetakan, Nyetak Silkscreen, Percetakan termal, Percetakan tinta-jet, Percetakan digital.
Fitur kaamanan: Watermark, Laser ablasi, Hologram / OVD, Tinta UV, Mangrup Variabel optik, Barkod disumputkeun / Barcode mask, Dipeunteun Pelangi, Téks mikro, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Anu sanésna: IC chip data initialization / Énkripsi, Data Variabel, Garis magnét anu diprogram, Panel tandatangan, Kodeu barkod, Nomer séri, Embossing, Kodeu DOD, Kode cembung NBS, Paeh-teukteukan.

Panginten anjeun ogé resep

  • Service kami

    RFID / IoT / Aksés Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kartu / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Sunda / W Alat
    RFID Solusi
    OEM / ODM

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    panghargaan & Harita
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