The antenna production process of the Fragile Label Etch Antenna is the same as that of an ordinary etched antenna. Their difference is mainly in different material structures. The fragile etched antenna adds a special material between the aluminum/copper thin layer and the PET substrate layer. The characteristic of the fragile antenna is to realize the uniqueness of the electronic label, ie, "the tear is destroyed immediately", and when it is made into a label, it is attached to a flat and clean surface such as a seal, glass, pîlastîk, and carton packaging. When the fragile tag is lifted, the tag or antenna cannot be completely lifted at this time and will be torn to achieve the effect of destroying the tag, so that the tag cannot be reused repeatedly.
The Fragile Label Etch Antenna can use HF 13.56MHz or UHF 860MHz-960MHz. Materyalê antenna (aluminum or copper) and size can be specified. You need to provide a DWG format CAD design file.
The Fragile Label Etch Antenna is used to produce tear is destroyed immediately RFID electronic tag.
Antena Etnîk a RFID-a xwerû
Xerîdar HF peyda dike / Nîşana sêwirana antena UHF, pelê pelê AUTO CAD (.dwg), em quotes in 24 saetan, lêçûna qewimandî xerca çêkirina plakayê û vegotina hilberê digire nav xwe, hûrguliyên teknîkî piştrast dike, piştî îmzekirina peymanê, em ê di hundurê de nexşeya antenna peyda bikin 24 hours – Customer Confirmation – Customer Confirm plate layout and pay plate fee – we arranges production plan – Plate making and sample production – Provide 20~400pcs free antenna samples to customer confirmation.
Ger xerîdar nexşeyek antenayê tune, hingê hûn hewce ne ku taybetmendiyên mezinahiya antenna peyda bikin, modelên çîpên girêdayî (bo nimûne: Ultralight, SLI-S KOD DIKIM, Alien H3, Impinj Monza 5), modela makîneya girêdana we. Em di hundurê agahdariya jorîn de bistînin 24 demjimêrên ku ji bo sêwirana antennayê û bihayên çêkirina plakaya bihayê û bihayê hilberê peyda dikin. Dema Dîzaynê Xêzkirina Dîzayna Antenna: Antena HF 7 Roja Karsaziyê, Antenna UHF 24 Roja Karsaziyê.