RFID, povsod po svetu.

Kontakt čip kartice

» RFID kartice » Kontakt čip kartice

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glavni parametri
Chip Kapaciteta:
AT24C01A čip: 1kb
AT24C02 čip: 2kb
AT24C04 čip: 4kb
AT24C08 čip: 8kb
AT24C16 čip: 16kb
AT24C32 čip: 32kb
AT24C64 čip: 64kb
AT24C128 čip: 128kb
AT24C256 čip: 256kb
AT24C512 čip: 512kb
standardi Protocol: ISO / IEC7816-3
Chip Kapaciteta: 1Kb / 16Kb / 64KB / 128KB / 256 KB / 512 KB
Preberite čas: 1-5gospa
Chip Izvor: kitajski kopno
vzdržljivost: > 1,000,000 krat
hramba podatkov: > 40 let
delovna temperatura: -20℃ ~ + 80 ℃
Material: PVC / PET / PETG
dimenzije: 85.5X 54 x 0.84mm
Utež: 6g

China production compatible with ATMEL AT24C series Contact chip Card, is a common unencrypted data card, use of the method and the EEPROM are exactly the same, is a sudden drop electric power data storage chip, namely the power lost memory chips. Storage structure is simple,no partitions, only two operating functions to read and write, mainly used to store some of the less demanding confidentiality of data. Write/erase cycles is 1,000,000 krat; 100 years of data retention, preservation without power for more than 40 let.
This product has the advantage that the chip same quality, low price.

AT24C128 SC/256SC provides 131,072/262,144 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read only memory (EEPROM) organized as 16,384/32,768 besede 8 bits each. The devices are optimized for use in smart card applications where lowpower and low-voltage operation may be essential. The devices are available in several standard ISO 7816 smart card modules (see Ordering Information). All devices
are functionally equivalent to Atmel Serial EEPROM products offered in standard IC packages (PDIP, SOIC, TSSOP, dBGA), with the exception of the slave address and Write Protect functions which are not required for smart card applications.

Areas of finance, trade, turizem, transportation, telekomunikacije, health care, zavarovanje, taxes, šole, administrative, and other organs without encryption or hardware encryption range, can be used for identity recognition areas and public utilities : electricity purchase cards, gas cards, driver training cards, consumer cards, social security cards, prepaid cards.


tiskanje: Offset tisk, sitotiskom, Termalni, Brizgalnim tiskanjem, Digitalni tisk.
varnostne funkcije: vodni žig, lasersko ablacijo, Hologram / OVD, UV črnilo, Optično spremenljiva barva, Skrito črtna koda / črtne kode maska, Graded Rainbow, Micro-text.
drugi: Podatki Chip inicializacija / šifriranje, Prilagojene magnetnim trakom programed, podpis plošča, Barcode, Serijska številka, reliefi, DOD koda, NBS konveksni koda, Die-cut.

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