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Контактирајте чип картицу

» РФИД картица » Контактирајте чип картицу

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Главни параметри
Chip Capacity:
AT24C01A chip: 1Kb
AT24C02 chip: 2Kb
AT24C04 chip: 4Kb
AT24C08 chip: 8Kb
AT24C16 chip: 16Kb
AT24C32 chip: 32Kb
AT24C64 chip: 64Kb
AT24C128 chip: 128Kb
AT24C256 chip: 256Kb
AT24C512 chip: 512Kb
Протоколарни стандарди: ISO/IEC7816-3
Chip Capacity: 1Kb/16Kb/64Kb/128Kb/256Kb/512Kb
Време за читање: 1-5Госпођа
Chip Origin: Chinese Mainland
Издржљивост: > 1,000,000 пута
Усвајање података: > 40 године
Радна температура: -20℃~+80℃
Материјал: PVC/PET/PETG
Димензије: 85.5×54×0,84 мм
Тежина: 6г

China production compatible with ATMEL AT24C series Contact chip Card, is a common unencrypted data card, use of the method and the EEPROM are exactly the same, is a sudden drop electric power data storage chip, namely the power lost memory chips. Storage structure is simple,no partitions, only two operating functions to read and write, mainly used to store some of the less demanding confidentiality of data. Write/erase cycles is 1,000,000 пута; 100 years of data retention, preservation without power for more than 40 године.
This product has the advantage that the chip same quality, low price.

AT24C128 SC/256SC provides 131,072/262,144 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read only memory (ЕЕПРОМ) organized as 16,384/32,768 words of 8 bits each. The devices are optimized for use in smart card applications where lowpower and low-voltage operation may be essential. The devices are available in several standard ISO 7816 smart card modules (see Ordering Information). All devices
are functionally equivalent to Atmel Serial EEPROM products offered in standard IC packages (PDIP, SOIC, TSSOP, dBGA), with the exception of the slave address and Write Protect functions which are not required for smart card applications.

Areas of finance, trade, tourism, transportation, telecommunications, health care, insurance, taxes, школе, administrative, and other organs without encryption or hardware encryption range, can be used for identity recognition areas and public utilities : electricity purchase cards, gas cards, driver training cards, consumer cards, social security cards, prepaid cards.


Штампање: Офсет штампа, Сито штампа, Термичка штампа, Инк-јет штампање, Дигитална штампа.
Безбедносне функције: Водени жиг, Ласерска аблација, Холограм / ОВД, УВ мастило, Оптички променљиво мастило, Скривени бар код / ​​бар код маска, Градед Раинбов, Микро-текст.
Други: Иницијализација / шифровање података о чипу, Програмирана персонализована магнетна трака, Панел за потпис, Бар код, Серијски број, Искуцавање, ДОД код, Конвексни код НБС, Изрезан.

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