RFID, pese pese pasirese.

Bata Chip Chip

» RFID Kadhi » Bata Chip Chip

  • Magadzirirwo
  • Tsananguro
  • Aviable Crafts

Main parameters
Chip Capacity:
Chikamu che AT24C01A: 1KB
Iyo AT24C02 chip: 2KB
AT24C04 chip: 4KB
Iyo AT24C08 chip: 8KB
AT24C16 chip: 16KB
AT24C32 chip: 32KB
AT24C64 chip: 64KB
AT24C128 chip: 128KB
AT24C256 chip: 256KB
AT24C512 chip: 512KB
Protocol zviyero: ISO/IEC7816-3
Chip Capacity: 1Kb/16Kb/64Kb/128Kb/256Kb/512Kb
Nguva yekuverenga: 1-5ms
Chip Origin: Chinese Mainland
Kutsungirira: > 1,000,000 nguva
Kuchengetwa kwedata: > 40 makore
Work temperature: -20℃~+80℃
Zviyero: 85.5×54×0.84mm
Kurema: 6g

China production compatible with ATMEL AT24C series Contact chip Card, kadhi re data rakajairwa risina kunyorwa, kushandisa nzira uye EEPROM zvakafanana, inodonha kamwe kamwe magetsi emagetsi data kuchengetedza chip, kureva simba rakarasika memory chips. Chimiro chekuchengetedza chiri nyore,hapana partitions, maviri chete anoshanda mabasa ekuverenga nekunyora, inonyanya kushandiswa kuchengetedza zvimwe zvisingadiwi kuvanzika kwedata. Nyora/kudzima matenderedzwa ari 1,000,000 nguva; 100 makore ekuchengetedza data, kuchengetedzwa pasina simba kupfuura 40 makore.
This product has the advantage that the chip same quality, low price.

AT24C128 SC/256SC provides 131,072/262,144 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read only memory (EEPROM) organized as 16,384/32,768 words of 8 bits each. The devices are optimized for use in smart card applications where lowpower and low-voltage operation may be essential. The devices are available in several standard ISO 7816 smart card modules (see Ordering Information). All devices
are functionally equivalent to Atmel Serial EEPROM products offered in standard IC packages (PDIP, SOIC, TSSOP, dBGA), with the exception of the slave address and Write Protect functions which are not required for smart card applications.

Areas of finance, trade, tourism, transport, telecommunications, health care, inishuwarenzi, taxes, zvikoro, administrative, and other organs without encryption or hardware encryption range, can be used for identity recognition areas and public utilities : electricity purchase cards, gas cards, driver training cards, consumer cards, social security cards, prepaid cards.


Kudhinda: Kudhinda neoffset, Kupurinda kweSilkscreen, Thermal kudhinda, Ink-jet kudhinda, Kudhinda kwedhijitari.
Kuchengetedzwa maficha: Watermark, Laser ablation, Hologram / OVD, UV inki, Optical Variable ingi, Yakavanzwa barcode / Barcode mask, Muraraungu wakarongedzwa, Micro-zvinyorwa.
Vamwe: Chip data kutanga / Encryption, Yakagadzirirwa magineti mutsara, Signature pani, Barcode, Siriyero nhamba, Nekusimbisa, nebefu, Kodhi yeDOD, NBS kodhi yekodhi, Kufa.

Zvimwe unodawo

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  • Taura nesu

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