Velikost: 85*54*0.76mm, ali 10 * 7mm, 6.5*9.5mm, Velikost lahko prilagodite
Material: PVC / ABS / PET / PETG / Papir
predelovalne dejavnosti: Barva
Post-proces: file, igrajo okroglo luknjo ali igrajo dolgo ravno luknjo
Izbirni pomožnimi proizvodi: plastična Imetnik kartice, zanke, posnetkov, zatiči
Digital Portrait Card is a personal information card made by digital printing, and prints the photos, names, positions, številke, images and other materials directly on the PVC card by single-sided or double-sided color printing and double-sided covering film. Used as a company, factory, school and personal portrait cards, such as work permits, student ID cards, attendance cards, kontrolo dostopa kartice, parking cards, representative cards, exhibition cards.
Lastnosti: Clear pattern, lasting color, never off, ni lahko zlomiti, barvita, high gloss, used long time. Advantages: Digital Portrait Card is a laminate of high temperature and pressure PVC card, compared with the current market-free laminated PVC card has the following advantages: ① bright colorful, high gloss ② high color reproduction rate, and real photos without any distortion ③ image and PVC material through high temperature and high pressure into one, free laminated pressure card will take a long time off the film, delamination, fade, which is free from laminated pressure card can not be compared.
Digital Portrait Card by function can be divided into ordinary portrait card, RFID chip portrait card, portrait adhesive patch card.
1, ordinary portrait card, portrait directly printed on the ordinary PVC card.
2, the combination of ordinary portrait card and RF card: a collection of portrait cards and radio frequency, kot naprimer: RFID attendance card, portrait ID card, potrošnik kartice, kartico M1.
3, a common card and contactless IC card, contactless IC card and a common portrait card as a combination of cards, commonly used in medical protection and so on.
4, portrait adhesive patch: If difficult to print the special-shaped card (or ID thick card) or customers want to keep the original card and update the picture, you can print as a patch attached to the above, the card can be reused, the cost is small.
Konkurenčna prednost:
izkušeni Osebje;
odlična kakovost;
najnižja cena;
Hitra dostava;
Velika zmogljivost in široko paleto izdelkov;
Sprejmi majhna, da;
ODM in OEM izdelke v skladu z zahtevo kupca.