RFID, dunyoning hamma joylarida.
0086 755 89823301 seabreezerfid@gmail.com
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Boshqa turdagi karta / nishon

» RFID karta » Boshqa turdagi karta / nishon

RFID raqamli portret kartasi, Portret vaqti qatnashish kartasi, Xodimlar foto kartasi

Kategoriya va teglar:
Boshqa turdagi karta / nishon , , , , ,

Can produce any quantity of Portrait ID Cards.

  • Texnik xususiyatlari
  • Tavsif
  • Aviable hunarmandchilik

Hajmi: 85*54*0.76mm, or 10*7mm, 6.5*9.5mm, size can customized
Materiallar: PVX / ABS / PET / PETG / Qog'oz
Manufacturing: Rang
Post-process: fillet, play a round hole or play long flat hole
Optional ancillary products: plastic card holder, slings, clips, pins

Digital Portrait Card is a personal information card made by digital printing, and prints the photos, names, positions, numbers, images and other materials directly on the PVC card by single-sided or double-sided color printing and double-sided covering film.
Used as a company, factory, school and personal portrait cards, such as work permits, student ID cards, attendance cards, access control cards, parking cards, representative cards, exhibition cards.

Xususiyatlari: Clear pattern, lasting color, never off, not easy to break, colorful, high gloss, used long time.
Advantages: Digital Portrait Card is a laminate of high temperature and pressure PVC card, compared with the current market-free laminated PVC card has the following advantages:
① bright colorful, high gloss
② high color reproduction rate, and real photos without any distortion
③ image and PVC material through high temperature and high pressure into one, free laminated pressure card will take a long time off the film, delamination, fade, which is free from laminated pressure card can not be compared.

Digital Portrait Card by function can be divided into ordinary portrait card, RFID chip portrait card, portrait adhesive patch card.
1, ordinary portrait card, portrait directly printed on the ordinary PVC card.
2, the combination of ordinary portrait card and RF card: a collection of portrait cards and radio frequency, such as: RFID attendance card, portrait ID card, consumer card, M1 card.
3, a common card and contactless IC card, contactless IC card and a common portrait card as a combination of cards, commonly used in medical protection and so on.
4, portrait adhesive patch: If difficult to print the special-shaped card (or ID thick card) or customers want to keep the original card and update the picture, you can print as a patch attached to the above, the card can be reused, the cost is small.


Raqobat ustunligi:
Tajribali Xodimlar;
Zo'r sifat;
Eng yaxshi narx;
Tez yetkazib berish;
Katta quvvat va keng turdagi mahsulotlar;
Kichik buyurtmani qabul qiling;
Mijozning talabiga binoan ODM va OEM mahsulotlari.


Bosib chiqarish: Ofset bosib chiqarish, Silkscreen Printing, Termal bosib chiqarish, Ink-jet bosib chiqarish, Raqamli bosib chiqarish.
Xavfsizlik xususiyatlari: Suv belgisi, Lazerli ablasyon, Gologramma / OVD, UV siyoh, Optik o'zgaruvchan siyoh, Yashirin shtrix / shtrixli niqob, Baho kamalak, Mikro-matn.
Boshqalar: Chip ma'lumotlarini boshlash / shifrlash, Shaxsiylashtirilgan magnit chiziq dasturlashtirilgan, Imzo paneli, Shtrixli kod, Ishlab chiqarish raqami, Kabartma, DOD kodi, NBS qavariq kodi, Kesilgan.

Ehtimol sizga ham yoqadi

  • Mahsulot toifalari

  • Do'stingizga ulashing

  • Bizning xizmatimiz

    RFID / IoT / Kirish nazorati
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inley / Label
    Bilaguzuk / Anahtarlık
    R / W qurilmasi
    RFID Qarori
    OEM / ODM

  • Kompaniya

    Biz haqimizda
    Matbuot & OAV
    Yangiliklar / Bloglar
    Ishga qabul qilish
    Mukofotlar & Sharhlar
    Hamkorlik dasturi

  • Biz bilan bog'lanish

    Tel:0086 755 89823301