RFID, kila mahali katika ulimwengu.

Aina Nyingine Kadi / Beji

» RFID kadi » Aina Nyingine Kadi / Beji

RFID Digital Kadi Portrait, Taswira wakati wa Kadi Mahudhurio, Picha Kadi Staff

Aina Nyingine Kadi / Beji , , , , ,

Can produce any quantity of Portrait ID Cards.

  • Specifications
  • Maelezo
  • Sanaa aviable

size: 85*54*0.76mm, au 10 * 7mm, 6.5*9.5mm, ukubwa inaweza customized
Material: PVC / ABS / PET / PETG / Paper
Uzalishaji: Rangi
Baada ya mchakato: minofu, kucheza shimo pande zote au kucheza kwa muda mrefu gorofa shimo
Hiari saidizi bidhaa: plastiki mmiliki kadi, slings, video, pini

Digital Portrait Card is a personal information card made by digital printing, and prints the photos, majina, positions, namba, images and other materials directly on the PVC card by single-sided or double-sided color printing and double-sided covering film.
Used as a company, factory, school and personal portrait cards, such as work permits, student ID cards, attendance cards, kadi upatikanaji wa kudhibiti, parking cards, representative cards, exhibition cards.

Vipengele: Clear pattern, lasting color, never off, si rahisi kuvunja, rangi, high gloss, used long time.
Advantages: Digital Portrait Card is a laminate of high temperature and pressure PVC card, compared with the current market-free laminated PVC card has the following advantages:
① bright colorful, high gloss
② high color reproduction rate, and real photos without any distortion
③ image and PVC material through high temperature and high pressure into one, free laminated pressure card will take a long time off the film, delamination, fade, which is free from laminated pressure card can not be compared.

Digital Portrait Card by function can be divided into ordinary portrait card, RFID chip portrait card, portrait adhesive patch card.
1, ordinary portrait card, portrait directly printed on the ordinary PVC card.
2, the combination of ordinary portrait card and RF card: a collection of portrait cards and radio frequency, kama vile: RFID attendance card, portrait ID card, kadi ya watumiaji, Kadi ya M1.
3, a common card and contactless IC card, contactless IC card and a common portrait card as a combination of cards, commonly used in medical protection and so on.
4, portrait adhesive patch: If difficult to print the special-shaped card (or ID thick card) or customers want to keep the original card and update the picture, you can print as a patch attached to the above, the card can be reused, the cost is small.


Competitive Advantage:
Wafanyakazi wenye uzoefu;
bora ya shaba;
Best bei;
Fast utoaji;
Uwezo mkubwa na aina mbalimbali ya bidhaa;
Kukubali ili ndogo;
ODM na OEM bidhaa kulingana na mahitaji ya mteja.


uchapishaji: kukabiliana na chapa, silkscreen Printing, Thermal uchapishaji, Wino-ndege uchapishaji, Digital uchapishaji.
vipengele vya usalama: Watermark, Laser ablation, Hologram / OVD, UV wino, Optical Variable wino, Siri barcode / Barcode kinyago, hadhi Rainbow, Ndogo Nakala.
wengine: data Chip initialization / Fiche, Msako magnetic stripe programed, Signature jopo, barcode, Nambari tambulishi, embossing, DOD code, NBS mbonyeo code, Die-kukatwa.

Labda wewe kama pia

  • Huduma zetu za

    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / -bandet
    Kadi / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristbands / Keychain
    R / W cha Vifaa
    RFID Solution
    OEM / ODM

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