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Да би се спречило изгубљено, Енглеска жели да подметне чипс за све мачке


Да би се спречило изгубљено, Енглеска жели да подметне чипс за све мачке

Убудуће, Енглески официри лопате могу да изведу своје мачке да би се играли умирујуће. Према извештајима британских медија, прошлог понедељка, Енглеска је донела нове прописе који захтевају да се свим мачкама за кућне љубимце уграде микрочипови.

Пре него што мачка стигне 20 недеље старости, the cat owner must implant a Subcutaneous Microchip for his pet, which is about the size of a rice grain and has a unique serial number, which stores the contact information of the cat owner and is regularly updated in the database. As of 10 June 2024, all cat owners are required to microchip their pets, and owners found to have failed to chip their cats will have a 21-day ‘remedial periodand face fines of up to £500 if they subsequently fail to comply.

Pet Implantable Bio-glass Tube Microchip, Pet management RFID microchip, Shehzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd.

The purpose of the regulation is to help lost pet cats return to their owners faster and safer. Environment Secretary Therese Coffey said: “Pet cats are valuable members of the family and if they are lost or stolen, they can be a heavy blow to their owners.

There are currently more than 9 million pet cats in England, of which 2.3 million are not chipped, according to government figures.

If you need help, contact Shehzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd for more information on microchips for pet implants.

                                     (Извор: Схехзхен Сеабреезе Смарт Цард Цо., Лтд.)

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