RFID, air feadh an t-saoghail.
0086 755 89823301 seabreezerfid@gmail.com
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Cairt clò-bhuailte

» Cairt RFID » Cairt clò-bhuailte

  • Clò-bhualadair Inkjet Direct Print PVC White Card, Cairt stiall magnetach clò-bhuailte, Cairt Blank Chip BlanID clò-bhuailte

    Cairt clò-bhuailte , , , , , , , , , , ,

    Modail toraidh: HP0529

    Roghainnean pearsanachaidh: meud agus sònrachaidhean, tighead, cumadh, package contact/contactless IC chip, magnetic strips, surface pre-printing frame/LOGO/pattern, laser number, sgrìobhadh dàta, agus pròiseasan toraidh sònraichte eile.
    EPSON inkjet printer R270 R230 R290 T50 L800 Direct Inkjet print PVC white card / magnetic strip card / RFID chip card

    • Sònrachaidhean
    • Tuairisgeul
    • Technical characteristics

    Prìomh pharamadairean teignigeach
    Stuth: white PVC
    Meud: 86×54mm
    Tigheadas: 0.86mm
    Without the laminated, shape at one times
    230pcs/carton, weighing 1.35KG

    The suitable inkjet printer models:
    HiTi ID Card Printer
    Epson printer: R260, R265, R270, R280, R290, R330
    Epson models: T50, T60, A50, P50, R210, R230
    Canon models: iP4600, 4680, 4700
    Canon printer: MP630, 640, 980, 990
    Modh cleachdaidh:
    Supporting the use of tray. ID card inkjet printer with direct printing on the card surface, after drying use.

    Product introduction
    "Immediately inkjet into card" make personalized card, portrait card, Cairt IC, magnetic strip card is a revolutionary breakthrough, without lamination, without plastic film covering, without covering film professional production process, using id card inkjet printer to complete fabrication process. Easy fabrication process like printing common document, the cost is lower. White card by ink-jet printing can achieve photo print effect, quick drying, highlights, dìon-uisge, caitheamh-aghaidh, printing complete used directly, without any post-processing features, application more widely.

    Clò-bhualadair Inkjet Direct Print PVC White Card, Cairt stiall magnetach clò-bhuailte, Cairt Blank Chip BlanID clò-bhuailte, Printable RFID Plastic Card. Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,LTD.

    Direct inkjet print white card can paste magnetic strip and encapsulation RFID chip:
    1, magnetic strip card types:

    Common Low magnetic strip(LOCO): 300 OE

    Clò-bhualadair Inkjet Direct Print PVC White Card, Cairt stiall magnetach clò-bhuailte, Cairt Blank Chip BlanID clò-bhuailte, Printable RFID Plastic Card. Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,LTD.

    High magnetic strip(HICO): 2750 OE or 4000 OE
    Dath stiall magnetach roghainneil: Dubh, donn, dearg, msaa.
    Leud stiall magnetach: standard 12.5mm or 8mm
    2, ID card types: EM4100, EM4102, TK4100, TK4102, msaa.
    3, Cairt IC gun cheangal, Mifare 1K S50, Mifare 4K S70, FM11F08, Mifare Ultralight, TI, I-CODE-2,etc.
    4, Contact IC card types: SLE4442, SLE4428, SLE5542, SLE5528,etc.


    Technical characteristics
    1, simple and easy to do card, without film, without plastic film covering and laminated
    2, card highlights, dìon-uisge, image flush, daub, immerse (1-2 uairean), the image remains unchanged
    3, suitable for all kinds of inkjet ink, fabrication cost is low
    4, the image color restore ability, rùn àrd, print accuracy can reach more than 5760dpi
    5, the white card with the mechanical properties of the laminated card
    6, UV resistance, wear resistance, prevent fade, long shelf life
    7, quick to do card application range, suitable for making documents immediately, the end user to make card; Small-scale production of your membership,card student card, company card, msaa., can be directly printed images and text information
    8, fabrication process environmentally friendly, solvent-free, emission-free exhaust,msaa.

    Is dòcha gu bheil thu a ’còrdadh riut cuideachd

  • An t-seirbheis againn

    RFID / IoT / Smachd ruigsinneachd
    LF / HF / UHF
    Cairt / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Bann-dùirn / Keychain
    Inneal R / W.
    Fuasgladh RFID
    OEM / ODM

  • Companaidh

    Mar dèidhinn
    Brùth & Meadhanan
    Naidheachdan / Blogaichean
    Duaisean & Lèirmheasan
    Prògram ceangailte

  • Cuir fios thugainn

    Fòn:0086 755 89823301